September 1, 2012

Transfer with ease

Most of the Caregivers are engaging transferring patient day and night,and common problems that cause back pain and injury is due to inappropriate way of transferring patient from one place to another such as transferring patient from wheelchair to bed or vice versa.

Why taking a risk having those unwanted back pain and injury,in some cases if transferring is improper,not just the caregiver will put into risky situation but also for the patient.and it is very irresponsible if this kind of thing would be wasted,transferring patient must constantly be in a careful manner to prevent any injury or other related problem for the caregiver as well as for the patient too.

Now we ask ourselves;perhaps various questions could be likely saying that,some may say that, my patient is capable of walking and the transferring task would not be necessary,''well'' this is because the patient can still balance his/her weight and can walk in a short distance.

Patient that needs transferring task would dictate on what is the health condition of the patient,whether the patient is incapable of walking and unable to carry or balance his/her own weight,some case likely patient unable to manage pivoting,most of this patient has lower weakness but had an upper strength.  

In fact,patients usually is different from each other in regards to the health conditions and personality, and as well as the weight would dictate the situation,most of the problems commonly caregivers facing in regards to transferring patient, is the weight of the patient.if the patient is not that heavy, well for sure the transferring would be easy,although weight is not the issue,the careful and caution would always must to be in place,it is better to do any task as a caregiver often in a careful manner because this leads to safeness for both the patient and caregiver.

In case the transferring task is difficult and involved risk,this may be in regards to weight issue, example; heavy weighted patient and the incapability to carry his/her own weight as well as incapable of walking even short distance,most of this kind of patient rely on wheelchair.'so' the transferring task would be constantly day and night will be challenging,in fact, as time moving on, the declination of the strength of the patient most likely to go down,so this kind of situation is a candidate to have transferring task day and night due to its necessity, and most probably it would be part of the daily avoid any unwanted injury or catching back pain or back injury for the caregiver,careful doing the task is vital, ''prevention is always better than cure'' because back pain if worsen, it would be for life time pain,this could be prevented if careful and intelligently step would be made, it is better to have those patient transfer equipment for safety and ease.

To summarized, using any equipment for transferring patient from one place to another,whether this would be from wheelchair to bed or couch to wheelchair or vice versa. in this kind of task,all would be depending on the actual condition of the patient regarding to the health and the abilities as well as the capabilities of the patient,example; some patient would be very heavy to transfer,most of this kind of patient would be candidate to utilize the lifter.

For some patient they usually used transfer disc.this kind of patient that uses the transfer disc which perform by a caregiver to transfer the patient with ease and safe not risking using the strength manually maneuver and preventing catching back injury or strain, usually patient that uses transfer disc can able to stand but unable to carry his/her own weight or balance,and unable to pivot,transfer disc is designed to accomplish transfer from one place to another such as from wheelchair to bed or couch to wheelchair or vice versa. just by a bit of pivot effort the transfer is achieved.

Note: ask your physician or physical therapist what kind of transfer disc or lifter would suit for the patient,or if the patient need a transfer disc or the patient need a lifter,you can choose lifters,transfer disc at as image shown below,so check it out.   

You can find many kinds of Transferring patient equipment at
image shown below,so check it out.               

E-Z Turn II Transfer Disc - E-Z Turn II Transfer Disc - 14A600A14A600A



Patient Sling to choose as images shown below:


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