November 28, 2011

Caregivers in Israel Familiar to Kosher

Caregivers in Israel Familiar to kosher,anything that kosher is a must to any Filipino caregiver in Israel to observe and must done it in an appropriate ways,this must take it to importance as this is one of the vital
responsibility of any Foreign Hired Caregiver in Israel.

What is Kosher?

Answer = Kosher! is a word that, any food must be Kosher and can be eaten for Jewish people,and making the foods Kosher is done and process by authorized personnel,and official of Jewish people,and the person that making the Foods Kosher is called the Rabbi!

What is Rabbi?

Answer = Rabbi is a teacher or scholar,which studies and teaches, and master the law of Jewish,and  
               Rabbi is one that appointed as a religious Jewish Leader.

Jewish people are Careful on what food they eat,and their food is process and approved by Rabbi to be
Kosher,and ones the Food is check and approved by the Rabbi,the food is ready to eat and allowed to be for the Foreign Caregivers in Israel,specially for the new one,they must always bear in mind the don't and does in regards to foods,before giving or feeding their patient or employer,in this way,a caregiver must to be able to know and familiar what is the allowed food that a Jew can eat,because this is very important and must take in to one of the vital task and priority for the patient.foods that out in the market in Israel are Kosher and in rare cases some stores and groceries are not,so as a caregiver it is your responsibility to ask the family of the patient on where is the right store or groceries that has the Kosher quality to buy for your patient.Kosher is most and strictly observed specially when time of religious holiday which is the passover, Jewish called it the ''Pesach'' in Hebrew word.

I took a Photo for a sample of Kosher mark in a chicken soup mix Powder of Israel Product,this is just to show the Kosher mark in a chicken soup mix powder.


  As a Foreign Hired Caregiver in Israel,this kind of tradition and culture of Israelite Jewish must to be always observed and carefully done in day to day task and duties,this is one of the vital responsibility of a Foreign Hired Caregiver in Israel with a Jew patient,photo shown above is just a sample of a Kosher,and as a caregiver specially for those who work for a religious Jew patient,all must be observed as a whole in regards to Kosher food,before serving a food for your patient,most of the Foreign Caregivers that works for quite a long time in Israel are well familiar with this tradition and culture of Jewish people,and for the beginners,all of them are learning to the Jewish tradition in regards to Kosher,and in fact,this is not just in Israel,it always the way how Jewish ate their Foods,and wherever country it may,on where is there a Jewish people,Kosher is always observed and done.  BY : J.LE  

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