March 13, 2012

Care for own self is Vital

Care for own self is Vital,what are the importance of Caring for our own self?this question is always comes in
two sides in which the negative and the positive side face,do it would be this way?what if there wouldn't be two sides and must just in one side isn't,why I say this? its because the importance of life would be just in one side and must to be take to importance,because life is too precious and there's no reserved or spare life if its wasted,this is just pointing out what's the true and direct to the point in regards to reality on where we standing,and in fact,some are disrespect life from others and as well as his/her own too in logic and practical statement,if we just think how those sick people do all the possible way to survive and fight for life to continue to live, like those people that suffers from illnesses or diseases like Cancer,and all other diseases that can be a life threatening or limited their life due to what they are into that cause by diseases or other illnesses,and the enjoyment to live would be slowly taken from them and in time life would be expectedly would fade away from them,for my own point of view,when I am thinking about it,then Perhaps is true that life is too complicated in comes to what we are into which is the world of breaths that keep us alive,and in each breath that we enjoy must to give a special value and importance because life is only one that can offer to us human, this is to enjoy every beauty of life that we can ever taste in integral way to say,we must know how important life is,we must often do our best to take care of our own self for our own good sake,maintaining good health often depend in our own hands on how we care for our own selves and the love to ourselves,the bottom line is simple but so precious,as to say that we are the Caregiver for our own self,each and everyone of us must to do our best to keep ourselves healthy in constant manner by doing it for our own self.

Simple Care for ourselves doing things in a constant manner to keep and maintain ourselves healthy as follow :

1)  Always Drink a Lot of water,recommended by Doctors is 8 Glasses of
     water daily.
2)  Avoid Eating Fatty foods that can cause high Cholesterol and High Blood
     pressure to our body.
3)  Avoid Oily Foods.
4)  Eat a lot of Fruits,or drink a lot of Fruit juices.
5)  Regular Exercise for promoting good Blood circulation to our body.
6)  Eat Vegetable daily specially those green leafy Veggie.   


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