February 23, 2012

Care and the Giver

Care is a simple word but truly completes ones life in regards of what the dipper meaning about it,Care in Words could always be in a various flow,and on what the meaning of it, its often defining the life of each and
every one of us in integral way,beside the fact,in our daily routine and schedules,whether in our work or in our own home,or wherever maybe,''CARE'' always speaks,and the Word ''CARE'' would constantly a vital to complete what is the meaning of life,going straight point into what the main reason of this post, is by understanding in a practical way,which is in reality that truly happen,because no matter what,Care is one of the reason why human existed,and the truth is always evident and visible in our surrounding,think about what Nature brought to us and its benefits to any living creature,or good offer to all living things,which can be call as the Nature Care,which is in a natural process that the word Care is attached to it. the system of healthy nature and maintenance of it, it is proven to be a source from Care that cycles over and over again repeatedly,so we can analyzed it now what really the point of this post,is the Care and the Giver,even the nature has its own way to show Care for the earth,and who lives on it,this is to stabilized the importance of Nature for living things to be in normal process.

As we can understand that Care would not be complete without the giver of the Care,and the one that  receive it, which is very clearly and visible in our daily living,and in all corner of the globe, the essence of it often flow in each and everyone of us.

Care and the Giver, what would be the connection on the word Caregiving? that's what we're pointing out on what is the vital meaning to complete the meaning of Caregiver.
In Caregiving world,Care is given a person that need it,and that person that received the care,is called the patient,and the truth about it is, would be in two side, if we'll just open the window behind it,should the Care and the Giver would be enough to define what is the meaning of Caregiver?as I've said,it would be in two sides.

First,the Care given is for the sake of responsibility which is needed for all Caregiver,and its needed because every care that a caregiver gave to his/her employer or patient is payed,and the other side or the Second side, is in a dipper connection,and truth to it is,is a good result of a good connection between the patient and the caregiver,which is,every care that given is came from within the heart of the caregiver,second side to be clear to explain is,often started from the first side,and if the good connection is developed and build a good relationship as a best of friends between the caregiver and the patient,it goes dipper within each heart for both,this is constantly in natural way in comes to result from first side that developed the second face,and open the way for both to live a better good connection between the caregiver and the patient. BY : J.LE

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