December 4, 2011

O.F.W Caregivers various meaning of Arrival


O.F.W Caregivers various meaning of Arrival to
them,there's a lot of meaning for an O.F.W
Caregiver in regards to the word ''Arrival'',and this may always in case to case basis as to say,but there's a common meaning for them in comes to Arrival,this is usually when they took their vacation and to be with their family for holidays,and or for some important matters to do in their home of origin the Philippines, O.F.W. Caregivers can be seen in various countries globally,the reason is to work, for the better future and to earn more compared in their native land,and in fact! this is the reason why O.F.W. Caregivers are constantly growing in comes to the decision to work abroad and sacrifices far away across the ocean,and far from their love ones,and sometimes, this are miss understood sometimes for some by their love ones,this usually happen to those married O.F.W. Caregivers,not all but in some cases,their children misunderstood on why or what is the reason why their mother or father work far away to them,this for sure mostly for those younger child or teen,but this often case to case basis in my opinion and in reality,it is always depending who the person is and how mature the way in thinking, and also on how their parents brought them up.

some of them are having problems with their children,and this is sometime the reason on why some O.F.W. decided to go home or be back home and choices to have the full time mother for their children,this perhaps just for few,because most of the O.F.W. Caregivers are practical and they knew that, if by emotion,nothing will happen and their financial shortage will not be solved, they know that they just doing it for their love ones to give the better future,and to help likewise their parents.
Arrival for them in a meaning is much more dramatic for some,and for some are overwhelming happiness,as I've said,is always case to case basis,there will constantly many faces in regards to that matter,faces are! some are excited to see the Arrival sign in Air Port as this is the sign that they arrived in foreign country to work and earn and this is a start building their future,for some,Arrival sign is the sign that they will able to see and hug their love ones again,this is when they took their vacation whether a holiday or not,and for others,Arrival sign is a way of staying home for good in their native land or country of origin,and spend their time together with their love ones.
when we just imagine on how dramatic or happiness that will embrace this O.F.W. Caregivers in comes to the situation on what they will be into,just one thing much more important,is to give the better life for their love ones,and in fact!!!! being an O.F.W. Caregiver is a mixing feelings and a lot of emotions,whether dramatic,comedy,joy and etc. the most exciting and wonderful is,they always making the difference and sacrificing often times whether for their love ones or in their Care giving career abroad,and for sure,each every O.F.W. Caregiver have their own stories on how Care giving career shape their lives,and how drama,comedy,happiness,challenges etc. drive into their door.        BY : J.LE       

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