November 22, 2011

O.F.W Caregiver's in Israel most fear situation

O.F.W. Caregiver's in Israel most fear situation,the most common fear that any caregiver in Israel, is the length of limitation of a foreign working contract in Israel,and it goes like this,if  any caregiver will reached the
working point duration of 4 years and 3 months of work in Israel,that would be the last work permit or working visa for any Foreign worker that working as a caregiver in Israel,the caregiver  will be allowed to work but its the last working permit or the last employer for the caregiver,and the foreign worker caregiver,will not be allowed to work for another employer or patient in any city in Israel,or to look for another work,if the employer decided to end the contract between the employer itself and the caregiver,or the reason that the employer will look for another caregiver to hire due to any reason,and this will automatically puts the caregiver into the situation that forbid him/her to work in Israel,and if the caregiver will continue to work in Israel,this will put the caregiver in illegally working in Israel without a documents or working permit in any place within the boundary of  state of Israel.

This kind of situation will mostly puts most of the caregiver that reached the working duration of 4years and 3 months working in Israel,will for sure slim their space in Israel,and psychological put them into stress and in anxious situation,and inevitably no one will be excused in this kind of situation,    and in fact!most of the caregiver are searching and wishing for lucky spot or luck in working in Israel, and in any place or city in Israel, finding the luck in regards to employer or patient that they'll be working with.

The last employer that most of the caregiver work within 4 years and 3 months,that will be their last card to stay and working in Israel,and if the patient dies,with any health problem reason or any diseases,or either due old age,the caregiver will automatically have no reason to stay and work anymore in Israel,so the caregiver must to exit the country and not to look for another job in Israel,because that will considered the caregiver as an illegal that works without a visa or permit to work in Israel,that's why I said!any caregiver that works in Israel most common fear,is reaching the point of duration working in Israel for 4years and 3 months,and  losing their chances to look for another job and not allowed anymore to work, if their employer or patient dies due to disease,ailment or due to old age within their 4 years and 3 months stay and working in Israel,this is most commonly put the caregiver into fear and worries,this is the most of the problem of many O.F.W. Caregiver in Israel,facing the situation unprepared,is always case to case basis depending on who is the caregiver,and what his/ her status in life,and most of the anxious in comes to this situation,is for the  married O.F.W. Caregivers that having their obligation on his/her shoulder generally in comes to all of his/her love ones in the Philippines,and being a Mother or Father that works in Israel as an O.F.W. Caregiver is a huge problem when in comes to the duration length of the working permit allowed to any Caregiver in Israel,and in fact,most of the O.F.W. caregiver in Israel are often wishing that their working stay in Israel will be longer and having the satisfied working stay in Israel,this is always case to case basis in regards to preparedness,some are prepared due to awareness,and some are aware but the situation not that lucky for them,and some are taking the risk of being illegal worker due to financial reason or any various reason that put them into that situation,and the 4 years and 3 months is not enough for them to save enough money.
As we can imagine now,on how hard it is isn't it?for common view of others in regards to this kind of situation,the common opinion by many is,no one knows what lies ahead,and most of the caregivers in Israel has their own reason on why most of them take the risk to work as illegal due to financial problem that they're facing, and unfortunately the situation that comes for them doesn't comes into the right time,and unfortunately they choose to work illegally because of the various reason in regards to financial matters,and most of the reason that they're facing in regards to the limitation of work as legal worker in Israel,the result of a short years allowed for foreign caregiver in Israel,are most commonly put any caregiver into stress and worries due to limited stay and working in Israel,they've no choice but to do their best to save and often wishes that,they can stay and work in Israel for long period of time and find the good employer or patient to be with and to work with,and to save money enough for their future,and to help their love ones needs in their native land which is the Philippines. 

 Working in Israel as a Foreign Caregiver,is a matter of luck to each and every caregiver,some are working for long time in Israel and save enough money for them,and some doesn't,some works for 10 years and some 15 years and etc.and some are working just for a short period of time,it is always a  question of luck since,and the most important for the caregiver to do in regards in working in Israel,is to save and save and be aware on what will be ahead on the way,because working in Israel is not Permanent and the opportunity to work in Israel as a caregiver must to take into important matters,because as the contract will expired and reaching the point of allowed range of staying and working in Israel,the caregiver is prepared and ready to face the another chapter in life,and if luck is there for the caregiver to stay more with their last employer until the employer is alive,the caregiver can save enough for the future.  BY J.LE


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