October 18, 2011

The importance of Personal screening

Now a days caregiver are much more needed due to shortage of a caregiver around the globe,and we all know that,having a caregiver is really a serious matter,why I said that? in a practical thinking!it is common to
anybody,not just only in regards to finding the right person to be with your love ones at all times,that can be trusted,but in all side and aspect in regards to our security,because it is very important to have someone at our home that can be trusted and can do all the responsibilities and task in responsible way,and the person that have a wide understanding as human,as to say human with heart
and with a wide mind,even to me,if I will look for a caregiver that will stay 24/7 for my love ones,for
sure I will look for a caregiver that has the good quality,and a good person definitely.

In generally speaking,the person that will stay in our love ones at home,will surely be trusted at all times,this post is intended for all the employers,and the reason that I choose this topic,because of the concern within me as a caregiver,because I always treasured all the good employers and as well as the caregivers,because when a person decided to be a caregiver in career,as we called it as the hired Caregiver,this must always bear in mind at often times,Caregiver is there often for their employer and patient to give care,and be trusted as one of the member of the family.

That's why,its be vital or important to have a personal screening for any person that wished to be a caregiver in career,as a hired caregiver,it must be well trained and motivated,with all the responsibilities and duties,in effective way,and have those good personalities as human,that can truly understand what others fell,and what the situation,and the caregiver must passed all those,necessary test,like physical test,psychological test,I.Q test,for the sake of the employer & the patient,as well as for the good benefits for the caregiver,because good result will always be reflected to the caregiver,and the caregiver will be awarded for his/her own good deeds.


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