October 17, 2011

Holy Land Caregivers


The photo shown is the wishing wall in the city of JERUSALEM in ISRAEL,this place always a prayer
ground for Jewish people and Christians,and this place were I always prayed when I was in Israel working as a caregiver,this place is a HOLY PLACE to be always respected and this place were histories are made,this place always gives me comfort and grant all my wished,that's why I posted it,attached with my article or topic nor article.

Holy Land Caregivers,there are lots of caregiver from other sides of the world,are actually working in Israel as a caregiver in most places like,nursing homes,care homes and private homes,etc. either for seniors or those people with disabilities,
there are those things and ways as a caregiver to be aware often and observe,on how Israelite Observes their holidays,and all other holidays and religious holidays,there are those does and don't for a caregiver must always to be aware and to get used to it,like their superstitious believes and all as a whole.

Most of the Caregivers in Israel,are able to speak in Hebrew which is the Israelite language and this is very important,as this will be the key to find a better job and better good communication with the Israelite.


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