July 3, 2011


Bed bathing is very important, specially for a patient disabilities to a regular bath,bed bath
keeps the patient protected from infection, and good hygiene is one of the key to good
health. before engaging to give a bed bath to a patient, the caregiver first must to
distinguish the patient abilities to move from left to right and side to side or in any angle,
in this case the caregiver can determine if there will be any movement
for the patient that he or she can manage to maneuver,and any movement
that can cause any pain for the patient, caution
is always be made, prior to any bed bath, to avoid any further problem, cause
by movement, check patient skin for any sensitivities, mostly old patient are candidate
for skin sensitivity figured out where the skin redness location all over he body of the
patient,usually the pressure spot is located at the back,buttocks,toe and back of the head,
this sign of redness spot and the area mention is prone to this case, we called it BED SORE.

  Tips!  To prevent bed sore. the caregiver must constantly check the patient and able to act. as  follow.                     
  • Monitor the patient position whether in wheelchair,bed, or sofa. don’t let the
    the patient stay in one position for a long period of time this can cause bed
    sore in any area where the pressure is.
  • When the patient is in bed, the caregiver must always change patient position every
    4 hours from one side to the other, then center position where the patient lying on his/her back.
  • When the patient is in the chair or wheelchair, this position distribute the
    pressure to the buttock and slight at the back. in this case you can't change the
    position of the patient side by side while the patient is in sitting position, except, assist the patient to stand. Or if the patient can walk, much better, every 4 hours, let the patient walk with your assistance to give the walk,in fact is good for the patient health to engage in walking. walking is a good exercise for the patient. Question comes? how if the patient can't stand? so you can think now that, HOW?, well this day there are good pillow intended and design just only for the buttock when patient is in sitting position,some of the pillow are designed filled with water inside nor air pillow that eliminates
    bedsore even the patient is on the position of sitting. whether in wheelchair or regular chair, sitting for long period of time,with the special pillow underneath the buttock of the patient, nothing to worry.

                             THINGS TO PREPARE PRIOR TO BED BATH.
        1. BASIN
        2. 6 TOWEL'S
        3. 6 WASH CLOTH'S
        4. MILD SOAP
        10. CLEAN GOWN
        11. HAMPER
        12. TRASH CAN

  • introduced yourself to the patient,let the patient know what you will do and explain that you will give him /her a bed bath.

  • Place all bed bath things near or accessible to you to grab when needed.
  • close all windows and door for privacy reason. and be sure to properly
    lock the bed bar in both side before starting to give the bed bath.
    (ALWAYS) to prevent the patient from falling.

  • turn on heater to keep the room warm not much
    heat just a bit warm. keep it close until bed bath
    is done.

  • Fill the basin with warm water, be cautious to
    check it with your elbow if it is comfortable
    warm not burning the skin just warm water.

  • Place the blanket below the patient neck then
    roll until it reach to the patient feet.

  • Remove patient clothing by grabbing under the blanket
    this procedure keep the patient comfortable & privacy.
    blanket will cover the patient to keep warm until the last
    step of the bed bath.

       GIVING BED BATH     
  • Wear the disposable gloves,keep in mind that before
    doing bed bath always wear gloves ,this will protect
    your hand from any germs or bacteria and from any draining
    wounds of the patient. and by just throwing it quickly into
    the trash can as often as needed to change
    for new one, session after session of the bed bath.

  • Use mild soap ( always ) mild soap can't harm patient
    skin,and not drying the skin as well.

  • Put the washcloth in your back hand then fold it
    towards the front hand which is the palm, first the right side follow by the
    left side, then fold the folded wash cloth upper
    towards your palm,you can see the result of the folded wash cloth
    created a packet in your palm, then insert and secure it into the packet
    between your palm and washcloth.

  • Wet the washcloth with warm water in the basin, afterward
    rub the mild soap,then just leave it for a moment not using it in first step. Because you start in the face and eye so you will just use plain water to wipe patient face as well as the eyes. Just use the other washcloth even not folded for this area,wet the washcloth with plain warm water. 
  • First wipe the patient whole face with the wet washcloth gently beginning around the area of the eye with plain warm water just wiping around the surface of the eye, not to put excess force to avoid any breakdown of the skin, Repeat the same procedure on the other eye, afterward. wipe the neck area including the both ear and the head then wipe it dry with clean dry towel.
  • After wiping clean the area of the whole face,eyes,ears,head and neck,place
    a dry & clean towel under the patient arm prior to washing the underarms. put the
    washcloth with mild soap into your hand then wipe the underarms, do it the same way on the other
    underarm then rinse it thoroughly,afterward wipe it with a dry & clean towel,to dry the area.
  • Roll down the blanket until it reach the waist of the patient,this will give access to wash the chest and stomach, do the same procedure by wash wipe with washcloth with a mild soap rubbed on it, then after put it aside the washcloth with soap,take the another washcloth without a soap,deep into the basin with plain warm water on it,then rinse it well thoroughly,
    wipe it dry with a dry clean towel.
  • After washing patient chest and stomach be sure to wipe it dry always in all parts that you wash,wipe it up with a clean dry towel to dry the area after rinsing.
  • Roll back the blanket until it reach the patient neck.
  • Go to the opposite location of the blanket which is located down,where the feet is. grab the blanket and roll it up until it reach the knee of the patient, then do the same washing wipe procedure,wash first the calf then roll up the blanket until it reach the lower waist,afterward after the same procedure done,make sure always to wipe it dry with a dry towel after rinsing.
  • Now you can wash the foot left or right,depending what you preferred,deep in the foot into the basin then wash it with mild soap by gently wiping it, then rinse it well and wipe it to dry with a dry clean towel,be sure to wipe it dry properly specially the portion between all fingers of the foot.
  • Empty the basin into the sink, be sure to wash with soap before filling it with new warm water.
  • Prior washing patient back neck,back,thighs,buttocks and back
    of the legs be sure the arm bed is well locked to prevent from falling.
    Ask the patient to lie on his/her side, facing the arm bed or lock bar, left side
    or right side and ask the patient to hold the bar of the bed, by
    holding the bar, this can be helpful to maintain the side position.
    Your position will be at the back of the patient, then place
    the towel at the back, from the back of the neck until where
    it reach depending the length of the towel,wash wipe the back
    of the neck and back the same procedure,then rinse it well and after
    that,wipe it with dry clean towel to dry the area.
  • After washing the back of the neck and back, pull down the towel
    until it reach the back of the toe, then do the same procedure
    be sure to wipe it up dry again after rinsing, as I have said, ALWAYS.
  • Now you will wash the sensitive part of the patient, whether the
    patient is male or female, always wash it gently with caution,
    because this area it is prone to any infection if not done with
    proper care,before washing the female/male part, first things
    and must not to forget. (Is) again empty the basin into sink
    then wash the basin with water and soap then fill the basin
    with new warm plain water. this time, use the clean washcloth
    and towel,all used washcloths and towel you must to put it into
    the hamper. then change the disposable gloves for new one
    and the used gloves throw it into the trash can.
    Do the same procedure with the washcloth in securing and
    folded to your palm,put the clean towel between the legs
    near in the male/female part then ask the patient to spread
    his or her legs to give you the access to wash the area,
    again, rub the soap into the washcloth with warm water
    then gently wipe the area, in up down motion then rinsing
    it well then wipe it dry. With the clean towel.
  • NOTE: Wipe gently the male/female area, in up down motion or side motion, make sure
    not reaching the area of the anus, this can cause infection.

  • After washing the male/female area,again be gentle to wash
    the anus not reaching the male/female area,do the same
    procedure in washing wipe gently then rinsing it
    well afterward wipe it to dry with a clean dry towel.

  • Now your done. giving bed bath,before dressing up the patient or
    put the diaper and change the bedding,apply lotion at the back
    of the patient, arms, hands,legs,chest and calf also the foot.

    After bed bathing the patient, ask the patient to stay on his/her
    position prior changing the patient bed gown and bedding's,whether
    the patient is in the left or right position, you must always position
    yourself on the opposite side position or facing patient back .
    From that position, the bed sheet from your side, from upper
    edge to lower edge of the bed, grab it by removing it and roll it
    towards patient back, then from the upper rolled edge until the
    lower edge of the rolled bed sheet, insert it a bit to the patient
    back,then put the new or clean bed sheet the same arrangement
    where you remove the unclean bed sheet, then roll the same, next
    to the unclean bed sheet about inch the distance.
    from that position ask the patient to remain on his/her position,
    now put the patient bed gown or cloth. By assisting the patient to
    insert patient hand into the bed gown or cloth sleeves, left or right
    depending the position of the patient, if lying on the left side,
    so the point of hand to enter the sleeve should be the right hand
    and if lying right side the entry will be left. the gown is much easier
    because it is button designed and cut half and easy to wear it for the
    patient,Continue to put it,then insert a bit of it at the back of the patient
    the opposite sleeves, then roll the patient towards you and ask the patient
    to hold on the arm bed or bar, go to the opposite location to remove the used
    and unclean bed sheet or bedding's, grab the new or clean bed sheet,
    arrange it from upper edge to lower edge of the bed,after the bed sheet
    is arrange in place, back to the location of the patient. then pull upward
    the gown sleeve of the patient then assist the patient hand to wear it,
    ask again the patient to remain on his/her position.
    Now change the unclean pillow cover to clean one, then place it
    aside. then position yourself at the back of the patient,then
    roll the patient towards you. putting the patient lying
    on his/her back. then put the pillow. position underneath
    the patient head. cover the patient with the clean blanket,
    the bedding is change and all clean and arrange. place all unclean
    bed sheet, pillow cover, linen,washcloths into the hamper for washing. BY: J.LE

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