May 6, 2011


  Information and ways on how to give a good care for an old patient.there's a Lot's of way on how to give the best and effective care for old patient, just always bear in mind that dealing an old patient is a tricky task and its depend on ones characteristic and attitude in truth.
 as a caregiver as i mention on previous pages that as a caregiver you must always be flexible and understandable in all situation,in that way you can figure it the easy way to manage or handle the situation flowing much easier that you imagine,some old people are irritable and sad,some are good approachable and easily to have a good conversation at any time. these characteristic and mode to some old people is
depend on their case or condition, is a case to case basis and they don't intentionally do it to make the caregiver fell that they don't like someone to care for them or rejection to the caregiver,its on the hands of the caregiver to wisely understand it, as if you're putting  their shoes in you're feet.they usually felt uneasy and hopeless because of their situation and condition ,and to understand it further in a long run,that's why they need someone to understand them and to be with them
as their best friend to lift them up to live a normal life despite of their condition,to be their extended hand and feet to move on with a happy life day by day.if  they will feel it that a caregiver is worth and honestly and caring for them with all of heart they can sense it and the result will be amazing for both the caregiver as well as the old patient.first thing to keep in mind constantly is understand them and be wise to put a lot of effort to find the way on how the patient will have and engage the connection to you as a caregiver,and as the time comes that the connection started. daily task will be as easy as the same that your are taking care of your own grandfather or grandmother. this article that i wrote is a natural way on how to manage various attitude of old patient and is really worth and effective as we are taking care for our own love ones, applying it the same with all of our heart.bear in mind that if you love your job and you love doing it the sum will be great and caregiver career its always involve heart because your dealing life and time is precious for all patient to enjoy and live a normal life and as a caregiver be their for them to help them to succeed on it not just only a caregiver doing the responsibilities to give the services to the patient but to make a difference to help and feel the happiness in heart to treasure it as a good thing that you have done to your patient but as their best friend.      WRITTEN BY: J.LE

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