May 7, 2011


 What is care home? a care home is a home for all senior citizens that just build and design for old people wanting to join the community for their own likeness and usually old people in care home are mostly retired and all of the old people living in care home as a community that likely has their own city
within the compound they had their own small market that supplied what they need in their daily basis also clinics for regular checkups and doctor's as well nurses are always
standing by for medical checkups including blood test, general check up,blood pressure monitoring,urine test,etc.and doctors and nurses are always on duty 24/7 in case of emergency situation.caregiver duties in care home is to
always accompanying the patient when there is an activities for the community like film showing,theater,various program that compose of singing concert, dancing,masses and there are times they set for yoga and tai chi for those who wants to join.there is also program's that compose just for men and just for women like a changing ideas to enhance their brain to be active and to be expose in their community,each member has their own unit and to those in need of caregiver the caregiver stay with the patient in their unit all the time to monitor the patient.
   in caregiver job its depend on where they are located what country and culture as well as religious holidays are granted also for the caregiver, holidays and day off during weekend in some country, the holidays,day off,vacation and all other benefits is granted to the caregiver on where the caregiver originated and if the caregiver is a foreign worker all the benefits depend on their contract that they agreed and sign in to home duties for the caregiver is mostly if the patient is capable on attending the desired activities, so at all times the caregiver will accompany the patient and always near to the patient in a way that when the patient needs something and not feeling well immediately the caregiver can responds quickly to the situation.and instantly
calls for help or push or press the emergency alarm near the area,effectively and quickly as to save lives of the patient,there are some activities that involve the patient  he or she wanted to join what they choose to,like painting,ceramics,carpenter work,gardening this serve as a hobby as well as keeping the patient active in physical and mental  health status,the care homes offer also a card games free for all who wants to join and to socialize in  the community,computer lesson,lobby for meeting friends to have some conversation,library for the patient to choose all kind of book,magazines etc.the caregiver is always on the side of the patient keeping the patient safe and monitored at all time whether in activities time nor in their unit or room, it will be constantly, the patient will be accompanied by the caregiver at all times.
making report's regarding the status of the patient to submit to the doctor's and nurses and making all things in good result for the patient daily. to monitor well the health status of the patient,care homes make things for old people in one package, in short, what they want and what they need it is provided, just near in their door step and a walking distance,exercising by walking inside the compound of care home with the caregiver beside and the caregiver engage the good and happy conversation while walking, going to the market or just walking around the garden, the caregiver always beside the patient keeping the patient safe at all times.          BY: J.LE

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