October 11, 2011

The longer the harder

What are those considered as obstacle in care giving?as in fact,the longer the caregiver stay in their one patient,the hard level often increases as years goes by,this thing must always be aware by any caregiver,the
longer the stay in one employer or patient,the must of lengthening the patience of the caregiver or either the must of widening of the patience,because things to considered and as always as it is for us human,this may always be apply in those caregiver that handling old patient,because the
older the patient get,the possibilities of any declined of health status,from mental capacity of the patient,physical capacity,emotional capacity,and as a whole,and all of this mentioned,are really will be declined,as the age get higher,in fact all this hard task as a caregiver are truly happening and are aware for those expert,medical professional's and that's the fact,as it could be said that,the older we get the more the system of our body gets more weak,and some of the parts of our body as a whole get more weaker and vulnerable of any diseases,this thing that I always ask myself,why?should this thing will be
a part of our life,since from the beginning when we were born,the trials in our lives getting more use to us to be part of our life until we get older,sometime I think about it,if I had just an extraordinary ability,to change this system that attached in our lives,just to be able to alleviate and or vanish those hardship that each and everyone encounter in their daily life and as to make it more comfortable to live without those hardship,for sure I honestly do it from the bottom of my heart.

this post is to remind all of the caregiver that,patience is always the key,and understanding the actual situation of your patient,just always bear in mind when time get harder or even more,is just always learn to widen your patience as always,and that's the difference of the caregiver,that's why the simple saying that always attached to the word caregiver is,that making the difference.

BY : J.LE  

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