October 21, 2011

Life is inclining and declining pace

Life!there are many meaning about what really life is all about,but for sure,the colors within it, is challenging and more interesting as should say,ingredients are hardship,triumph,ease,success,     failure,honor,and much
more as like an assorted, or a variety of colors inside in a deeper meaning,most of us are truly aware and really knows what beyond deeply within it,this through experiences,and learning from what we had experience,whether good or bad,the most important is,correcting the wrong to make it right,and the right will constantly be done often,life is a learning process,and the competition
is huge,because people are getting smarter as the earth goes older,and we can see in our own very eyes,on what the result of the intelligent mind of human,if we can just recalled what's the past and compare it in present,all things have changed and improved,and it is moving forward.

We are in the age of high technology for today,and we are all benefiting on what we have around us,and innovation embraces us all as one,connecting us much more quicker wherever you are in the world.now we get into our topic,the Life is inclining and Declining pace,what I mean to this, and what is my understanding to this simple but rich word,well,in my days as a caregiver,I had learned and figured it,that our life is in inclining and in declining pace,which is,when we saw those young people,they've those curiosity,and wanted to explore what the meaning of life,and they're on their peak of exploring,and enjoying those energetic abilities as a young person,from a newly born baby,we can
also able to determined that,the learning process is much faster going to their teen age,and the process is always the same as we were before,that's why,I decided to share my thoughts in regards how life sail with us,riding on it.

In my care giving days,i was told by my elderly employers,on what their vision and understanding about what life is, in their own point of view,and you know what? their opinion and understanding what life is,is the same,I gathered their individual opinion,and brought it to me as my guide, base on their experiences and mine as a combination,and truly,life is inclining and declining pace.

Why I said that!because we human started from nothing,means,without those knowledge,but when time is moving and learning is inclining,we always learned,and as days goes by, we never stop from learning,going to the peak in middle age,then slowly declining,from going old,and not only in mental abilities like learning,but in general,like our physical strength,it goes inclining when we reach the old age,it'll slowly decline,and all those previous things when we were young,slowly some of those abilities paste and gone away.and that's the way how we live.


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