What if,your Grandfather,Grandmother,Mother or Father, forget the daily
can't blame them,its a natural case when people gets older,and to those elderly
or seniors that had an Alzheimer Disease,and even for us younger people
sometimes,we forget,due to some reason,such as tiredness,stress or
whatsoever reason,that may. one of the most vital for maintaining a stable
health, and preventing small problem to be worsen,regarding medication,is
by not forgetting, to take a medication,in a single day,there are those very
vital maintenance medication especially for elderly,with disease,such as
Diabetic,High Blood Pressure,or other disease,this medication that the doctor
prescribe,is to be maintained and not to forgot,because this medication are
maintaining the health status of the patient not to be worsen,so if forgotten
to take not just once,it'll be a result of any health problem for the elderly
patient,so the importance of a caregiver will be needed in this case,to be
able to maintained the daily medication,whether orally or other types of
medication maintenance,as this is very important for preventing the health
status of the patient will be worsen,as we can think that,maintenance
medication,it means to say,that its a part of the life of the elderly patient,
to be able to maintained the health status, not to be worse.
In this kind of situation,hiring a caregiver,or having someone,a family
member to be the family caregiver for the elderly patient,at all times,
is really very important and serious matter,not to take for granted,as
constantly having a caregiver at all times for the elderly patient,and
to be able to maintained medication daily,for health maintenance and
preventing the patient to be in the situation having a worse health
problem,due to skipping maintenance medication in daily basis,and
having a caregiver constantly for the elderly patient,not just the daily
medication will be maintained properly,but as a whole,the safety of the
elderly patient especially at night,and preventing the elderly patient from
any unwanted injuries,or other unwanted occurrence,having a Caregiver,
the elderly patient will say,I'LL Never Forget anymore my Medication.
And my Caregiver will do all the necessary things for me to a better
and safe for me in day by day,and being there for me as my Helping
Hands as a whole. BY : J.LE
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