July 21, 2011


Home sick, is most of the hired caregiver experiencing,and most of this
are the hired caregiver, they choose to be far away to their family,and to
work abroad as a caregiver,due to financial matter,and willing to
sacrifice,to give the better future for their son or daughter and likewise
for the family, and other member of the family that need help.
each and every one of this hired caregiver that works abroad, have
their own reason,on why they choose to be far away from their love ones,
and their reason is quite similar,to help,and to have a bread and butter
to give for their love ones,as well as for the family of the caregiver.
most of this caregiver finding it so hard to be far away across
the sea to their love ones,but they must to do it, due to financial needs.
Specially if the caregiver has little child to feed, and the need for all
the payment of monthly bills, its so hard but this is the way to bring
bread and butter on the table.

Some of this caregivers,give up and go back to their native land,and to
work in their native land,and be contented on the small salary that can
be earn monthly,the important for them is to stay together with their
love ones, there are caregivers that aren't fortunate to find a good
future in working abroad, and some are fortunate,its like a roller
coaster ride to find the good spot,for a better future,there's a lot of
caregivers that are at present gained their citizenship or permanent
residency abroad,and enjoying the fruit of their hardship from the
beginning, when I think about the two side, I figured it out,is this
the game of life, or is this the way on how ones,focus on the target
goal,that most of us are wishing,but no matter what,this is the way
how we live, and how we survive life.

And I thought also,that perhaps,is just the timing,on when one will
engage and delivered, and where and how, the only way that we'll
always think is,don't ever give up,on what we focus to have a good
future, lets just think this way,maybe isn't the right time or maybe
isn't for us, and we can always try another way,and in fact,there's
a lots of ways out there,to be the way for our dream goal in life
to achieve,just always bear in mind that, in every way,always have
a lots of patience,and one day we never know,our goal dream
to have a better future is right within our reach.   BY: J.LE 

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